台北市基河網路扶輪社 21-22年度社長
1. 中華民國衛生福利部耳鼻喉科專科醫師
2. 台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會專科醫師
3. 台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會專科醫師
4. 台灣耳科醫學會專科醫師
1. 台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會 Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
2. 台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
3. 台灣耳鳴學會 Taiwan Tinnitus Association
4. 台灣耳科醫學會 Taiwan Academy of Otology
5. 台灣音聲醫學研究會 Taiwan Voice Society
6. 台灣生醫人工智慧研究發展協會 Taiwan Association of Artificial Intelligence Research and Developement in Biomedicine
7. 台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會 Taiwan Head and Neck Society
1. 105年度振興醫療財團法人振興醫院院內研究計畫:聲帶萎縮疾患行自體脂肪注射喉成形術之預後分析 Autologous-fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of vocal fold atrophy
2. 2017年天主教輔仁大學附設醫院專題研究計畫:聲門閉合不全疾患行門診局部麻醉自體脂肪注射喉成形術之預後分析 Office-based autologous-fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of glottic insufficiency
3. 2019年天主教輔仁大學附設醫院專題研究計畫:運用人工智慧進行病理嗓音辨識 Applications of artificial intelligence to predict vocal fold disease through pathological voice
4. 2020年天主教輔仁大學附設醫院專題研究計畫:運用人工智慧合併分析基本資料及聲音檔案進行病理嗓音辨識 Artificial intelligence application for vocal fold disease prediction through voice recognition combining with demographic data
5. 2021年天主教輔仁大學附設醫院專題研究計畫:運用人工智慧進行治療前後嗓音辨識作為音聲障礙疾患治療預後評估工具 Artificial intelligence application through voice recognition as prognosis evaluation tool after the treatment for voice disorder
1. 中華民國美容醫學醫學會2017年優秀論文獎佳作
2. 台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會2017年年度佳作論文
3. 台灣人工智慧學校北部智慧醫療專班第一期小組專題第三名結業
4. 第十九屆國家新創獎學研新創獎部門:用於聲帶疾病預測的智能語音識別系統和方法
1. Hao-Chun Hu, Yi-Ting Hung, Shu-Yi Lin, Shyue-Yih Chang. Office-based Autologous Fat Injection Laryngoplasty for Vocal Process Granuloma. Journal of Voice. 2016;30(6):758.e7-758.e11 (SCI Journal, IF: 2.2, Ranking: 20/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
2. Joshua Kuang-Chao Chen, Hao-Chun Hu*, Chin-Lung Kuo, Lieber Po-Hung Li. "Rounded Insertion" : A Useful Cochlear Implantation Technique for Patients with Cochlear Hypoplasia Type I. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. 2016;154(4):771-772 (SCI Journal, IF: 3.4, Ranking: 5/43, 2022; *Co-first author) ( PubMed / Article )
3. Peter Chondro, Hao-Chun Hu, Hsuan-Yen Hung, Shin-Yuan Chang, Lieber Po-Hung Li, Shanq-Jang Ruan. An Effective Occipitomental View Enhancement Based on Adaptive Morphological Texture Analysis. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2017;21(4):1105-1113 (SCI Journal, IF: 7.7, Ranking: 17/158, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
4. Hao-Chun Hu, Angela Chih-Hui Chang, Yu-Hsun Chiu. Orbital emphysema after nose blowing. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2017;110(1):41 (SCI Journal, IF: 13.3, Ranking: 16/167, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
5. Hao-Chun Hu, Hung-Hsu Hung, Yu-Hsun Chiu. Ingestion of a Radiopaque Pill in Radiolucent Blister Pack: Risk of Misinterpretation. Advances in Digestive Medicine. 2017;4(2):82-83 (SCI Journal, IF: 0.04, Ranking: 133/138, 2022) ( Article )
6. Hao-Chun Hu, Hsu-Wei Fang, Yu-Hsun Chiu. Delayed-onset edematous foreign body granulomas 40 years after augmentation rhinoplasty by silicone implant combined with liquid silicone injection. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2017;41(3):637-640 (SCI Journal, IF: 2.4, Ranking: 88/212, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
7. Hao-Chun Hu, Shu-Yi Lin, Yi-Ting Hung, Shyue-Yih Chang. Feasibility and Associated Limitations of Office-Based Laryngeal Surgery Using Carbon Dioxide Lasers. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. 2017;143(5):485-491 (SCI Journal, IF: 7.8, Ranking: 1/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
8. Hao-Chun Hu, Joshua Kuang-Chao Chen, Chia-Mi Tsai, Hsing-Yi Chen, Tao-Hsin Tung, Lieber Po-Hung Li. Evolution of impedance field telemetry after one day of activation in cochlear implant recipients. PLoS One. 2017;12(3):e0173367 (SCI Journal, IF: 3.7, Ranking: 26/73, 2022) ( Pubmed / Article )
9. Hao-Chun Hu, Yi-Ting Hung, Shu-Yi Lin, Tao-Hsin Tung, Shyue-Yih Chang. Office-based Autologous Fat Injection Laryngoplasty for Glottic Insufficiency in Patients Under 50 Years Old. Journal of Voice. 2019;33(5):747-750 (SCI Journal, IF: 2.2, Ranking: 20/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
10. Hao-Chun Hu, Chin-Lung Kuo, Tao-Hsin Tung, Szu-Chi Chen, Lieber Po-Hung Li. Long-term results of palatal implantation for severe obstructive sleep apnea patients with prominent retropalatal collapse. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2018;81(9):837-841 (SCI Journal, IF: 3.0, Ranking: 75/167, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
11. Hui-Yu Lin, Hao-Chun Hu*. Aural Myiasis Caused by a Flesh Fly in the Ear Canal: Do Not Drain the Oil Too Soon. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 2019;98(2):64-65 (SCI Journal, IF: 1.3, Ranking: 35/43, 2022; *Corresponding author) ( Pubmed / Article )
12. Hao-Chun Hu*, Joshua Kuang-Chao Chen, Lieber Po-Hung Li, William Kuan-Hua Chen, Mei-Jui Huang, Chia-Hsin Yeh, Li-Ching Chen, Tao-Hsin Tung. Evolution of impedance values in two different electrode array designs following activation of cochlear implants one day after surgery: A study of 58 patients. Clinical Otolaryngology. 2020;45(4):584-590. (SCI journal, IF: 2.1, Ranking: 22/43, 2022; *Corresponding author) ( Pubmed / Article )
13. Hao-Chun Hu, Hsiao-Yun Cho, Yu-Hsun Chiu. Dermatomyositis Induced by Filler Rhinoplasty Using Liquid Silicone. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. 2020;146(2):205-206 (SCI Journal, IF: 7.8, Ranking: 1/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
14. Hao-Chun Hu, William Kuan-Hua Chen, Mei-Jui Huang, Chi-Ching Lin, Joshua Kuang-Chao Chen. Rounded insertion technique for cochlear implantation surgery to treat cystic inner ear malformation. Laryngoscope. 2020;130(9):2229-2233 (SCI Journal, IF: 2.6, Ranking: 12/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
15. Chung-Yu Hao, Hsing-Mei Wu, Ying-Shuo Hsu, Hao-Chun Hu, Yu-Hsun Chiu. Postrhinoplasty Infection With Residual Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene-Coated Silicone Implantation. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. 2020;146(4):381-383 (SCI Journal, IF: 7.8, Ranking: 1/43, 2022) ( PubMed / Article )
16. Hui-Yu Lin, Hao-Chun Hu*. Cervical Tuberculosis Combined With Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma With Lateral Neck Metastasis. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 2023;102(4):NP192-NP194 (SCI Journal, IF: 1.3, Ranking: 35/43, 2022; *Corresponding author) ( Pubmed / Article )
17. Hao-Chun Hu, Shyue-Yih Chang, Chuen-Heng Wang, Kai-Jun Li, Hsiao-Yun Cho, Yi-Ting Chen, Chang-Jung Lu, Tzu-Pei Tsai, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee. Deep Learning Application for Vocal Fold Disease Prediction Through Voice Recognition: Preliminary Development Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021;23(6):e25247 (SCI Journal, IF: 7.4, Ranking: 3/105, 2022) ( Pubmed / Article )
1. 在內耳構造異常患者植入人工電子耳之經驗 Cochlear Implant in the Patient with Inner Ear Malformation;The 93th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Taipei, Taiwan;November 10, 2012
2. 在耳蝸構造異常患者植入人工電子耳之經驗 Cochlear Implant in the Patient with Cochlear Malformation;The 94th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Tainan, Taiwan;May 5, 2013
3. Cochlear Implant via the third window;The 20th International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies World Congress;Seoul, Korea;June 1, 2013
4. 高壓氧治療對於突發性耳聾病人是否有顯著療效? Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss;The 2013 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association;Taipei, Taiwan;August 17, 2013
5. Cochlear Implantation in the Patient with Cochlear Malformation;The 9th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences;Hyderabad, India;November 28, 2013
6. Cochlear Implantation in the Patients with Cochlear Hypoplasia;The 12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery;Taipei, Taiwan;December 7, 2013
7. 單側聲帶麻痺患者以經聲門下腔的自體脂肪聲帶注射治療之長期追蹤結果 Long-term Outcome of Trans-subglottic Auto-fat Injection for Unilateral Vocal Palsy;The 95th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Taipei, Taiwan;December 8, 2013
8. 人工電子耳病患電極阻抗與電刺激聽神經複合動作電位之追蹤結果初報 Follow-up of Impedance and Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential (ECAP) after Cochlear Implantation: Preliminary report;The 96th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Hsinchu, Taiwan;May 3, 2014
9. 局部麻醉下經軟式喉鏡的二氧化碳雷射手術 Trans-flexible laryngoscope CO2 laser surgery under local anesthesia;The 97th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Taipei, Taiwan;December 15, 2014
10. Autologous Fat Injection Laryngoplasty for Vocal Process Granulomas;The 13th Asia-Oceania ORL-HNS Congress;Taipei, Taiwan;March 20, 2015
11. 軟顎支架用於重度睡眠呼吸中止症患者之成效 Palatal Implantation for Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea;The 99th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Changhua, Taiwan;November 8, 2015
12. Palatal Implantation for Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea;The 13th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery;Tokyo, Japan;December 4, 2015
13. Office-based Autologous Fat Injection Laryngoplasty for the Treatment of Vocal Process Granuloma;The 10th East Asian Conference on Phonosurgery;Kumamoto, Japan;March 5, 2016
14. 門診局部麻醉行二氧化碳喉部雷射手術經驗分享 Office-based Laryngeal Surgery by CO2 Laser;The 100th Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Kaohsiung, Taiwan;May 22, 2016
15. 固液態兩相矽膠間的螯合構造對於施行二度鼻整形手術之影響 Interlocking Structure between Solid and Liquid Silicone: The Challenge of Revision Rhinoplasty;The 12th Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Meeting ;Taipei, Taiwan;October 23, 2016
16. 門診局部麻醉行自體脂肪聲帶注射治療年輕族群之聲帶萎縮 Office-based autologous fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of vocal fold atrophy in the young population;The 101st Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Taoyuan, Taiwan;November 6, 2016
17. 門診局部麻醉喉部二氧化碳雷射手術治療息肉樣聲帶之經驗分享 Office-based laryngeal surgery by CO2 laser for the treatment of Reinkes edema;The 102nd Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Taitung, Taiwan;May 7, 2017
18. Feasibility and Associated Limitations of Office-Based Laryngeal Surgery Using Carbon Dioxide Lasers;The 21st International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies World Congress;Paris, France;June 28, 2017
19. Delayed-onset edematous foreign body granulomas 40 years after augmentation rhinoplasty by silicone implant combined with liquid silicone injection ; The 22nd Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine ; Taipei, Taiwan ; September 17, 2017
20. 門診局部麻醉行自體脂肪聲帶注射治療聲帶萎縮預後在不同年齡層之表現 Office-based autologous fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of vocal fold atrophy in the different age populations;The 103rd Scientific Conference of the Taiwan Otolaryngological Society;Kaohsiung, Taiwan;November 12, 2017
21. Office-based autologous fat injection laryngoplasty for vocal fold atrophy in patients under 50 years old;The 14th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery;Kaohsiung, Taiwan;December 2, 2017
22. 以灌油方式殺死耳道肉蠅後引發後續之耳部蠅蛆症 Aural myiasis caused by a flesh fly in the ear canal;The 104th Scientific Conference of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery;Taichung, Taiwan;May 5, 2018
23. Early Activation of Cochlear Implantation in the Patients with Inner Ear Malformation; The 15th International Conference on cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technologies; Antwerp, Belgium; June 29, 2018
24. 聲門閉合不全病患以門診局部麻醉行自體脂肪喉成形術之預後表現 Office-based autologous fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of glottic insufficiency; The 105th Scientific Conference of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Taipei, Taiwan; November 3, 2018
25. Office-based autologous fat injection laryngoplasty for the treatment of glottic insufficiency; The 11th East Asian Conference on Phonosurgery;Busan, Korea;November 24, 2018
26. 電極粗細對於人工電子耳術後早期開機的阻抗變化之影響 Evolution of impedance values in two different electrode array designs following activation of cochlear implants one day after surgery; The 106th Annual Congress of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery & The 2nd Annual Congress of Taiwan Academy of Otology; Taichung, Taiwan; May 4, 2019
27. 運用人工智慧進行病理嗓音辨識 Applications of artificial intelligence to predict vocal fold disease through pathological voice; The 107th Annual Congress and International Symposium of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; November 2, 2019
28. Artificial intelligence application for vocal fold disease prediction through voice recognition; The 12th East Asian Conference on Phonosurgery; Chiayi, Taiwan; October 17, 2020
29. 甲狀腺乳突癌合併頸部淋巴結轉移與頸部結核病之共病案例 Cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis combined with papillary thyroid carcinoma with lateral neck metastasis; The 109th Annual Congress of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; Taipei, Taiwan; November 28, 2020
30. 運用人工智慧作為音聲障礙疾患治療預後評估工具 Artificial intelligence application as prognosis evaluation tool after the treatment for voice disorder; The 114th Annual Congress of Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; New Taipei City, Taiwan; May 6-7, 2023
31. Artificial intelligence application as prognosis evaluation tool after the treatment for voice disorder; The 13th East Asian Conference on Phonosurgery; Sendai, Japan; July 7-8, 2023
1. 在內耳構造異常患者植入人工電子耳之經驗 (振興醫院2013年春季基礎顳骨解剖研習, April 27, 2013)
2. 實證醫學實作經驗分享 (振興醫院, November 15, 2013 )
3. 人工電子耳困難案例分享 (北投春天酒店:台灣人工電子耳高峰論壇, February 23, 2014)
4. 骨橋植入術 (振興醫院2014年春季基礎顳骨解剖研習, May 18, 2014 )
5. 單側或不對稱聽損常見病因 (振興醫院單側不對稱聽力損失研討會:從診斷到療育, December 17, 2016)
6. 振興醫院2016年基礎顳骨解剖研習課程實作講師 (振興醫院2016年基礎顳骨解剖研習課程, December 18, 2016)
7. 耳鼻喉科新知 不可輕忽的打鼾 (新竹西南扶輪社, February 8, 2017)
8. 頸臉常見問題之評估 (振興醫院106年度專科護理師培育訓練課程, February 10, 2017)
9. 銀髮養生保健(耳鼻喉專科) (玄奘大學樂齡大學課程, March 15, 2017)
10. 過敏性鼻炎臨床治療綱領 (振興醫院:106年度全民健康保險家庭醫師整合性照護計畫 士林、北投、左岸、石牌、蘆洲社區醫療群 第四次協調會議, April 12, 2017)
11. Experience of Biological Solutions in Otorhinolarryngological Surgeries (寒舍艾美酒店 ENT Dinner Lecture, April 13, 2017)
12. 喉科手術趨勢 從刀房回到門診 (振興醫院聯合醫學討論會, April 19, 2017)
13. 暗夜的沉默殺手 睡眠呼吸中止症 (台北市基河網路扶輪社, April 19, 2017)
14. 常見的聲帶疾患及治療趨勢 (振興醫院護理部門診繼續教育訓練, May 11, 2017)
15. 老年聽損疾病及治療保健 (泰雅文苑:台北市基河網路扶輪社關懷那羅部落社區服務活動, September 16, 2017)
16. 聲音生病了怎麼辦?常見的聲帶疾患及治療趨勢 (台北市基河網路扶輪社, November 8, 2017)
17. 甲狀腺及聲帶手術最新趨勢 (台北市基河網路扶輪社, April 11, 2018)
18. 利用人工智慧辨別沙啞嗓音-非侵入式的聲帶疾患診斷 (台灣人工智慧學校北部醫療專班第二期開學典禮, November 17, 2019)
19. 新型冠狀病毒簡介及防疫指南 (台北市基河網路扶輪社, February 12, 2020)
20. 原來聲帶手術也可以不需要住院-喉部內視鏡手術 (輔醫健康講座, June 19, 2020)
21. 老是覺得喉嚨卡卡或聲音沙啞?淺談喉部疾患 (新莊生活講座, October 21, 2020)
22. Efficacy of Difflam Forte on sore throat symptoms (頂鮮台南擔仔麵 台北101店 北區跨院區 Difflam RTD, October 23, 2020)
1. 綠色和平電台 大台北城 主持人:周明鳳, 1300-1500, April 26, 2017
2. 輔大之聲 與健康有約, December 29, 2021
3. 警察廣播電臺全國治安交通網 尚恩 in the night, December 16, 2022
1. 不知車子從哪衝出來 聽損女超怕過馬路 (中時電子報) (連結)
2. 本院耳鼻喉部舉辦105年度基礎顳骨解剖研習課程 (振興醫訊 2017;241:26) (連結)
3. Office-based Laryngeal Surgery Using CO2 Lasers Feasible for Some Lesions (Reuters Health Information) (連結)
4. 聲音沙啞了... 菸酒嗓有救嗎? (健康醫療網) (連結)
5. K歌先開嗓暖身 一路唱到底 (今周刊 2017;1057:132-133) (連結)
6. 頭頸癌治療新發展 (振興醫訊 2017;244:2-3) (連結)
7. 壓力大頭痛半邊臉紅 恐罹"小丑症候群" (中視新聞) (連結)
8. 聲音沙啞怎麼辦? (英國保誠人壽 保戶健康專欄) (連結)
9. 巨細胞病毒感染 新生兒聽力篩檢缺口 (自由時報) (連結)
10. 從小聲音沙啞 竟是人類乳突病毒惹禍 (聯合新聞網) (連結)
11. 專業鑑定團 醫師最推的醫療劇 (報導者) (連結)
12. 耳塞式耳機與耳罩式耳機之差異 (華岡電視台) (連結)
13. 身體變蟲窟 蒼蠅偕30隻活蛆藏耳朵 (蘋果日報) (連結)
14. 秒變蟲窟!男「用油淹入耳蒼蠅」竟竄30隻活蛆 醫:淹太短啦 (ETtoday新聞雲) (連結)
15. 耳朵慘變蟲窟!男「耳內倒油淹蒼蠅」竟竄出30隻活蛆 (東森新聞) (連結)
16. 驚悚有圖!耳朵鑽進蒼蠅超痛 醫生還夾出30隻活蛆 (中時電子報) (連結)
17. 男耳灌油想殺蒼蠅 蟲死竟留一堆蛆 (民視新聞) (連結)
18. 耳朵遭蒼蠅鑽入 倒油淹死蠅屍竄30活蛆成蟲窟 (TVBS新聞) (連結)
19. 蒼蠅入耳內倒油淹死還不夠 30蛆蟲竟鑽破蠅屍在耳內亂爬 (三立新聞網) (連結)
20. 蒼蠅鑽入 灌油僅淹死母蟲 男耳夾出30活蛆 (蘋果日報) (連結)
21. 遭蒼蠅入侵 男耳夾出30隻活蛆 (華視新聞) (連結)
22. 蒼蠅進耳朵 泡油時間不足未殺死 恐傷耳膜 (民視新聞) (連結)
23. 從聲之形看新生兒聽力篩檢 (科林助聽器 醫師專欄) (連結)
24. 聲帶微創手術!免除全身麻醉的風險與住院不便 (虹韻助聽器 醫師專欄) (連結)